Gypsum Industry Knowledge
Need to learn about the gypsum business, products, and manufacturing processes from around the world? Innogyps participates in various industry conferences giving presentations and training on various current issues and topics of interest to gypsum professionals. Listed below is a selection of such presentations in reverse chronological order. We also provide topic-based reports and tools including lab procedures, test methods and calculators.
The Economic Impact of a Gypsum Factory
Presented at Global Gypsum Conference 2017, Krakow, Poland, October 2017
A gypsum factory benefits a region from direct and indirect job creation at the plant itself and for many associated roles.
So, you've decided to build a gypsum factory. Now what?
Presented at Global Gypsum Conference 2016, Bangkok, Thailand, October 2016
The decision to build a gypsum board factory requires many inputs such as location, market, plant design, equipment and people.
Lightweight Gypsum Board Globalization
Presented at Global Gypsum Conference 2016, Bangkok, Thailand, October 2016
Lightweight gypsum board is propagating through the Asian gypsum market as a result of the USG Boral joint venture but what are the benefits and drawbacks of these products?
Marketing Gypsum Board - Who is the REAL Customer?
Presented at Global Gypsum Conference 2015, New Orleans, October 2015
The decision to buy gypsum board is a complicated scenario of various influencers and demand drivers including architects, designers and specifiers.
What YOU need to know about gypsum - Training Course
Presented at Global Gypsum Conference 2013, 2014, 2015
Gypsum board, drywall or plasterboard is a building product used in modern construction for efficient, cost effective fire protection that can be easily installed and decorated.
Measurement of Free Water and Combined Water of Gypsum
Presented at ASTM C11 Centennial Symposium on Advances in Gypsum Technologies and Building Systems, Anaheim, 2015
In 2011, the committee undertook a task to update the existing gypsum standard to include automated moisture balance methods. In a preliminary experiment described here, a few variations in automated methods were compared to the existing manual methods to evaluate differences in results.
Negotiating an FGD Supply Agreement
Presented at Global SynGyp 2015, Chicago, April 2015
There are many challenges of negotiating a long-term supply agreement for synthetic gypsum. Quality, price and terms are critical.
Managing the Gypsum Board Supply Chain
Presented at the Global Gypsum Conference 2014, Berlin, October 2014
Gypsum board supply chain costs make up around 60-75% of total costs including transport, raw materials, paper and energy.
Technology Trends in North American Gypsum Industry
Presented at MixBuild GypMeet 2013, Moscow, November 2013
Technology is the future of the North American gypsum industry including improvements to efficiency, quality and new opportunities for gypsum products.
The Gypsum Board Industry - Price and Demand
Presented at the Global Gypsum Conference 2013, Toronto, October 2013
Drywall products are not price sensitive. Lower prices do not drive increased housing demand.
Disruptive Innovation in Gypsum
Presented at the Global Gypsum Conference 2013, Toronto, October 2013
Disruptive innovation is happening all around us every day. How it might affect the gypsum industry?
Growth Does Not Equal Success
Presented at Global Gypsum Conference 2012, Istanbul, Turkey
How can you tell what projects or companies will be successful? What are the Critical Success Factors for growth in gypsum?
Global Gypsum Growth
Presented at MixBuild-2011 Conference, Moscow, Russia
The gypsum industry has been growing at a rate faster than GDP and population growth for decades, with this likely to continue for decades to come.
Global Gypsum Evolution – Where to now?
Presented Global Gypsum Conference 2011, Las Vegas, USA
Ideas are presented to help the North American companies survive the current market and take on a wider role in growing the gypsum business globally.
Megatrends in Gypsum: Can the past predict the future?
Presented at Global Gypsum Conference 2010, Paris, France
Manufacturing costs will drop and reasonable profits will be made, with the profitability being more stable as a result of growing market demand and larger companies with longer term perspectives.
When Will Gypsum Profits Return in North America?
Presented at Global Gypsum Conference 2009, Rio de Janeiro, May 2009
The business world has become a very difficult place over the past two years with the construction sector having been hit harder than most.
Gypsum Industry to 2025
Presented at Global Gypsum Conference 2008; Dubai, UAE May 2008
The gypsum industry in the USA has shown declining shipments and profits for 18 months now. The extended period of growth in construction driven by easily available mortgage funds was indeed unsustainable. Gypsum board shipments are now down over 30% and the near future prospects are not good with housing starts and permits down 50% from two years ago.
Survival Economics 2008
Presented at the Global Gypsum Conference 2007, Shanghai, China, May 2007
The gypsum board industry in North America has enjoyed an extended period of growth, resulting in record shipments and profits in 2005-2006. In the second half of 2006, however, the building industry entered a down cycle.
Market Dynamics Impacting FGD Gypsum Usage
Presented at World of Coal Ash Conference, Covington, Kentucky, May, 2007
Use of FGD Gypsum has begun to level off at a time when an unprecedented number of FGD scrubbers are coming online. The Clean Air Interstate Rule has encouraged a build up in new gypsum wallboard capacity to use the FGD Gypsum that will be produced.
Impact of USA Flue Gas Desulfurization Programs on North American Gypsum Supply & Demand (2003, 2010, 2015)
Introduced November 2004
The production of FGD gypsum is a byproduct of the generation of electricity and as a byproduct is not subject to the normal supply/demand market forces that would tend to influence pricing and production volumes. The FGD gypsum will be made whether it is used or not. The gypsum industry has refitted many of their manufacturing facilities to allow the replacement of gypsum rock with this coal combustion product (CCP) such that several million tons are being used.
Gypsum - What's New and Why This Matters
Presented at Global Gypsum Conference, Barcelona, Spain, September, 2003
The gypsum industry continues through tumultuous times, continuing to grow in spite of a wide range of market and legal issues. This paper will update the progress the industry is taking towards providing a stable supply of value added building systems, with comments on which companies show the best evidence of making this necessary transition.